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An Event Apart


The words fail me. An Event Apart is no more. I've taken a couple days to process this. It comes as a bit of a surprise to me.

From the first time I heard about the conference, to the first conference I attended and had an anxiety attack of epic proportions that Jeffrey Zeldman witnessed, to the scores of wonderful people I met, the fantastic speakers I went to see and learn from, to the people I connected with. I will truly miss it.

Pandemic Times

Without going into pandemic or endemic gobbeldygook, the pandemic has done this to conferences as is with other spaces pre-COVID times. With a heavy heart, I respect the decision and I am sad I did not get to go to the San Francisco event this month. I'll miss seeing faces and people I was seeing yearly when going like Eric and Jeffrey, Marci and all the other crew setting up and working hard to put on one the best shows a conference can possibly put on.

AEA Denver in 2019 was my last AEA. It was a great one. I met so many wonderful people, have a bunch of photos to chronicle the time there, and had a blast. Little did I know at the time it would be my last An Event Apart. So I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart to all the speakers. Thank you, for all your educating and wisdom. Your talks contributed to my growth as a professional.

To Jeffrey and Eric.

Thank you.

Thank you for creating this and making it what it was with a wonderful team of people that made it the premier event to attend in UX. It will be strange to not go to another AEA again, but with changing times, comes changing gears. I got the opportunity to meet a ton of wonderful people and I will always remember that, the talks, the fun. I espcially enjoyed seeing the both of you each year and having a chat.

Thank you Team AEA. I'll miss you all.